As the elders in our family grow older, our worries about their healthcare grow as well. It becomes progressively more difficult to give our elders the care they require at home all by ourselves. This is especially true for those elders who live on their own, or with their spouses. Often, due to advancing age & limitations in mobility, they are unable to look after themselves properly, particularly so if they are also affected by debilitating illnesses. Now-a-days, they can be, and often are, looked after by Elder Care organizations in their own homes, where they continue to live in a familiar and reassuring environment.

The advantage of such an arrangement is the benefit of familiarity as well as being able to avoid the stress & trauma of being uprooted and transplanted to a new place along with a new way of life and new people, all at once. Some such organizations, like Care Continuum, based out of Kolkata, have a structured programme of continuously monitoring the health of such Senior Citizens, providing nursing or other medical support when required, as well as assistance with hospitalization during any emergency. Through a concierge service, they also provide support for Activities of Daily living and any other help they might require to make life easier, including shopping, bank work, legal assistance, travelling assistance etc.

A type of residential facility, where such Senior Citizens are assisted with tasks they cannot do, but also makes the tasks that they are capable of doing, easier, while providing all amenities needed, including medical care, would be considered an Assisted Living Facility. Such facilities provide health monitoring, as well as management of chronic conditions and medication, along with assistance with toileting, grooming, dressing, mobility and other requirements such as laundry, housekeeping and food, in a safe and caring environment. It is very important that the facility is equipped to deal with ongoing health issues comprehensively, as the elderly do develop chronic health problems which require proper medical management without being banished to hospitals for treatment.

The big attraction of such a facility is having others of the same age group who are also living in the facility and providing a sense of camaraderie, which negates the sense of loneliness & isolation that often affect the elderly. The company & social interaction that they enjoy actually enhances the quality of life and provides mental stimulation that keeps them mentally agile. The other benefit is that all the hassles of running a household is taken away completely, with all its tensions and inconveniences. For some elders though, it may be difficult to develop new friendships easily and they may feel constrained by the rules of the facility, which could give rise to a sense of loss of independence.

Having looked at the choices for Senior Citizens, not in the prime of their health, it would be fair to say that those among them who are private people, not into socialising, and who value their independence, being taken care of at home is the better option. But for those who are outgoing, yearning for company, and prefer to leave the hassle of running a household to others, Assisted Living facilities can be an option, in fact, is often the preferred option.
Dr. Rana Mukherjee, Director, Care Continuum.